
Members Clubroom

The Society maintains a well-equipped clubroom with a range of specialist machinery for cutting, shaping, polishing, and faceting stones/gems. In addition, there are tools, kilns and equipment for silversmithing and enamelling. A small stock of silver, enamel and stone is held and may be purchased (at cost) by members.



The clubroom and equipment are available for members to work on their own (non-commercial) projects involving lapidary, enamelling and metalworking with copper and silver. The Society also  maintains a small but  comprehensive library of books, magazines and DVDs which may be borrowed by members.


Clubroom Opening Hours

Members have access to the clubroom 6 days of the week. The normal weekly meeting times are – 


Lapidary – Tuesday 2–5pm 

Lapidary – Thursday 5-8pm      

Enamelling – Wednesday 11–3pm       

Enamelling – Thursday 2–5pm               


If there is sufficient interest, additional sessions are organised and notified via the members social media groups.


The Society welcomes new members. Please contact us for further information on our activities and to arrange a visit. Visits for those interested in Lapidary are on Tuesdays (2-5pm) and Thursdays (5-8pm), and for Enamelling on Wednesdays (11-3pm) ond Thursdays (2-5pm). Alternatively contact us to arrange a visit/tour at an alternative time